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Author: CARE Philippines

Project Brief: Feminist Open Government Initiative Research in the Philippines

When women are absent from open government, so are their information, knowledge, and skills, and this absence limits the potential of ambitious reforms that will impact daily lives. The Feminist Open Government Initiative (FOGO) uses research and action to encourage governments and civil society to champion initiatives leading to gender advancements in open government.

Brochure: Alternative Temporary Shelter System

In the Philippines, increasing urbanization has resulted in the lack of appropriate and sufficient shelter. The Alternative Temporary Shelter Systen (ATS) addresses the shelter needs of affected populations in the initial stages of disasters to guarantee human dignity and sustain family and community life.

Report: Partners for Resilience – Resilient Livelihoods

Resilient livelihoods as a practice has evolved through various humanitarian actions in response to typhoons Bopha and Haiyan, with theoretical and practical contribution from other humanitarian and disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, and ecosystem management and restoration (also referred to as integrated risk management) projects.

2019 CARE Philippines Profile

CARE is a leading international humanitarian agency delivering emergency relief and long-term international development projects. Founded in 1945, CARE is nonsectarian, impartial, and non-governmental. In 2018, CARE worked in 95 countries reaching over 62 million people and 216 million people indirectly.

Project Briefer: Typhoon Haiyan Reconstruction Assistance (Year 4)

The THRA project supports the economic reconstruction of communities affected by typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) which hit the country in November 2013. the THRA is providing a suite of capacity-building interventions to increase meaningful participation of men and women in economic activities and gain access to business development and financial services.

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