Women and girls in the Philippines are in need of your support.


In the Philippines, CARE incorporates gender- and gender-based violence programming in its humanitarian response and development work; pilots exploratory action research in a range of topics such as feminist open government, women economic empowerment, female genital mutilation, gender-sensitive cash voucher assistance, and women leadership in emergencies; and participates actively in national clusters and inter-agency task forces in Gender Based Violence.

CARE works and partners with local civil society and women’s rights organizations to ensure that women from the most marginalized and vulnerable communities are genuinely consulted, are empowered to speak, and are heard.

As a team, CARE Philippines determined there is a need to: monitor overall adherence to CARE International’s Gender Equality Policy; determine if, and how, we deliver on our gender commitments to partners and communities; mainstream gender in emergencies and programs; and develop our identified strengths. To achieve these, we decided on four key recommendations: to train staff and partners, to build a gender structure, to make use of gender data, and to operationalize gender priority.

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