CARE plays three roles for impacting on poverty and social injustice in our efforts to achieve lasting impact at scale and promote inclusive development. Working with our partners, we use effective models and approaches to support the most marginalized communities to overcome poverty, social injustice and humanitarian crises. We then use and apply the evidence and learning of our programs to influence broader change and to scale up effective solutions:
HUMANITATIAN ACTION. In emergencies, we respond to save lives, with special attention to the needs of women and girls and the most marginalized. Our humanitarian action includes preparedness and early action, emergency response and recovery, and encourages future resilience and equitable development.
PROMOTING LASTING CHANGE AND INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS. CARE and our partners trigger innovative solutions for sustainable development through supporting new ways of supplying or strengthening essential service delivery, building capacities, building resilience for reducing risk, and empowering the most vulnerable, particularly women and girls. They are based on a deep, historical understanding of the drivers of poverty and social injustice in a particular context and tailored to the needs of the most marginalized. We have a special focus in the areas of rights to sexual and reproductive health; to a life free of violence; to food and nutrition security; and women’s economic empowerment. The evidence and learning from these programs is essential for our third role, which amplifies our impact.
MULTIPLYING IMPACT. All our work seeks to impact in and beyond the communities in which we directly work. Together with our partners we use evidence, learning and innovation from our humanitarian action and long-term development programs to influence broader social change, at significant scale. It is through this role that CARE can contribute to deeper and sustainable impact by documenting successful models, leveraging knowledge, advocating for replication and expansion of proven approaches, promoting pro-poor solutions, influencing power holders at all levels to change their policies and practices, and convening and brokering linkages between actors.